An In-Depth Guide To The Advocates Act, 1961



  1. Introduction: The Advocates Act, 1961 
  2. Formation Of The Advocates Act, 1961
  3. Primary Features Of the Bill Behind The Advocates Act, 1961
  4. Implementation Of The Advocates Act, 1961 In India
  5. Key Features Of The Advocates Act, 1961
  6. Definitions Under The Advocates Act, 1961
  7. Key Provisions Of The Advocates Act, 1961
  8. Requirements For Transferring An Advocate’s Name Between State Bar Councils
  9. Enrollment Requirements For Supreme Court Advocates 
  10. Disqualification Of Enrolment
  11. Right Of Advocates
  12. Requirements For Admission To The Bar 
  13. Legal Aid Committee
  14. Punishment Of Advocates For Misconduct
  15. Conclusion 

Introduction: The Advocates Act, 1961 

The Advocates Act, 1961 outlines the rules and laws governing advocates in India. Its primary aim is to create a unified class of legal practitioners known as “advocates,” who are authorised to represent clients before all courts and tribunals across the Indian territory. Advocates can only enrol in one state Bar Council (as per Section 17(4) of the Act) but have the freedom to transfer to another State Bar Council if needed. The Advocates Act, 1961 replaced the Indian Bar Councils Act and was enacted to implement the recommendations of the All India Bar Committee, which were endorsed by the Law Commission’s fourteenth report in 1955. The Act’s main objectives include unifying the legal profession into a single class of “advocates,” establishing an All India Bar Council and State Bar Councils, and setting common qualifications for the bar. It also delineates the rights and duties of advocates. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the Advocates Act, covering its nature, objectives, key provisions, along with its historical context. 

Formation Of The Advocates Act, 1961

India’s legal profession was restructured under the Advocates Act of 1961, established by Parliament post-Independence. The government formed the All India Bar Committee in 1953 to oversee the judiciary after gaining independence in 1947. Following recommendations from this committee, the Advocates Act and the Bar Council of India were created in 1961. Prior to this Act, legal practitioners were classified into various categories such as Advocates, Lawyers, Vakils, and Barristers under the Legal Practitioners Act of 1879. The Advocates Act unified these classes into a single category of advocates, further divided into Senior Advocates and other advocates based on their qualifications and experience. The title of Senior Advocate is conferred with the confirmation of the Supreme Court or the High Court.

The Bill for the Advocates Act, 1961, was drafted to implement the recommendations of the All India Bar Committee issued in 1953. This Bill incorporated the Law Commission’s proposals on Judicial Administration Reform and suggestions concerning the Bar and legal education. It was amended to recognize the dual system in the High Courts of Calcutta and Bombay, allowing these courts to abolish the dual system if desired. The Bill aimed to repeal the Indian Bar Councils Act, 1926, and other related legislation, providing a comprehensive framework for the legal profession. It was published on November 19, 1959, in Section 2 of Part II of the Extraordinary Gazette of India.

Primary Features Of the Bill Behind The Advocates Act, 1961

The primary features of the Bill included the following:

  1. Establishing the All India Bar Council and a single class of attorneys, granting them the right to practise across the country, in any High Court, and at the Supreme Court of India.
  2. Unifying the bar into a single class of legal practitioners known as advocates.
  3. Implementing uniform qualifications for admitting individuals as advocates and certifying them.
  4. Dividing advocates into Senior Advocates and other advocates based on merit.
  5. Establishing autonomous Bar Councils, one for all of India and another for each state.

Implementation Of The Advocates Act, 1961 In India

On May 19, 1961, in the twelfth year of the Republic of India, Parliament passed The Advocates Act, 1961. This Act comprises 60 sections divided into 7 chapters and was implemented by the Central Government. The Act brought significant changes to the Indian legal profession, aiming to establish the legality and utility of the legal profession nationwide. According to its preamble, the Act amends and unifies the law relating to legal practitioners. Its primary goal was to promote uniformity in the legal profession, including academic qualifications for advocates, the registration process for state-level Bar Councils, enrollment restrictions, and the disqualification of legal practitioners.

Key Features Of The Advocates Act, 1961

The Advocates Act, 1961 introduced several important features:

  1. Establishment of Bar Councils: The Act established the Bar Council of India and State Bar Councils, setting the framework for their formation.
  2. State-Bar Council Enrollment: Advocates can transfer from one state to another but are not allowed to enroll in more than one State-Bar Council.
  3. Self-Governing Authority: The Bar Council was granted self-governing authority.
  4. Global Opportunities: The Act enabled advocates to work in positions similar to those worldwide.
  5. Consolidation of Legal System Legislation: It consolidated all legal system legislation into a single class or document.
  6. Uniform Regulations: Various Bar Council regulations were implemented in both state and central laws.
  7. Unified Title: The single title of ‘advocate’ replaced several titles previously granted to legal practitioners, such as vakils and attorneys.
  8. Classification of Advocates*: Based on qualifications, experience, and expertise, advocates are categorised as senior advocates and other advocates.
  9. Focus on Legal Profession: The Act focused on consolidating existing legal laws for the legal profession.
  10. Autonomous Body: The Bar Council was given control over an autonomous body assigned certain duties.
  11. International Recognition: The Bar Council is a member of international organisations, including the International Bar Association, and is a recognized legal entity capable of acquiring both movable and immovable property through litigation.
  12. State Bar Councils: Several state Bar Councils operate under the control of the All-India Bar Council, with similar responsibilities but specific to their states. The Act mandates the existence of State Bar Councils in every state.
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Definitions Under The Advocates Act, 1961

Defined in Section 2(1)(a) of the Act, an ‘advocate’ is a person registered on any roll created by the Act. Prior to this Act, legal professionals were classified as pleaders, vakils, lawyers, and attorneys.

Section 2(1)(b) discusses the ‘appointed day,’ referring to the day the provisions of the Act took effect.

Covered under Section 2(1)(e), the ‘Bar Council‘ is established for the territories to which the Act applies, as outlined in Section 4.

According to Section 2(1)(h), a ‘law graduate‘ is someone who has completed a bachelor’s degree in law from any university recognized by Indian law.

Defined in Section 2(1)(i), a ‘legal practitioner’ includes advocates or vakils in any High Court, as well as pleaders, mukhtars, or tax agents.

Section 2(1)(g) specifies that ‘High Court’ does not include a court for Judicial Commissioner, except in Sections 34(1), 34(1A), 42, and 43. For a State Bar Council, it refers to:

  1. The High Court for the state if a State Bar Council is established for that state or for a state and union territories.
  2. The High Court of Delhi if the Bar Council is constituted for Delhi.

Under Section 2(1)(k), ‘roll’ refers to the list of advocates or legal practitioners recorded and maintained under this Act, indicating those who practise in or are frequently present in court.

Defined in Section 2(1)(l), a ‘state’ is a political community with a single state government within its territory. Union territories are not included as states.

Section 2(1)(n) states that a State Bar Council must prepare and maintain a ‘state roll,’ which is a list of advocates as per Section 17.

Key Provisions Of The Advocates Act, 1961

The Advocates Act, 1961, is effective throughout India, as described in Section 1. It applies to the State of Jammu and Kashmir and the Union Territories of Goa, Daman, and Diu, commencing on a date specified by the Central Government through a notice in the official gazette.

Section 3 of the Act allows for the creation of a Bar Council in each state, with union territories being paired with neighbouring states. Delhi has a unique Bar Council, as recommended by the All India Bar Committee. Each State Bar Council will elect a chairman and vice chairman from among its members.

Section 4 permits the formation of the All-India Bar Council, comprising the Attorney General of India and the Solicitor General of India as ex officio members, along with one member elected by each State Bar Council from its members. The Council itself elects its chairman and vice-chairman according to established procedures.

Section 5 designates the Bar Council of India and all state Bar Councils as corporate bodies with perpetual succession and their own common seal. Each Bar Council can acquire and hold real property in its name, enter into contracts, and sue or be sued in its name. As corporate entities with perpetual succession, Bar Councils continue to exist regardless of changes in membership.

Under Section 7A, the Bar Council of India can join international legal organisations such as the International Bar Association or the International Legal Aid Association. The Bar Council is also required to pay dues to these international bodies and is authorised to spend money to send delegates to international legal conferences or seminars.

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Section 8 of the Advocates Act, 1961, stipulates that members of the State Bar Council serve five-year terms, beginning from the date election results are announced. If a State Bar Council fails to conduct elections before the current term expires, the Bar Council of India may extend the members’ term, provided the extension does not exceed six months. This extension allows time for new elections, ensuring the council remains functional.

Under Section 10A, the State Bar Council holds meetings at its headquarters, while the Bar Council of India meets in New Delhi. Meetings can occur elsewhere if justified in writing. Committees, except the disciplinary committee, also meet at the respective Bar Council headquarters. The disciplinary committee meets at times and locations as per the Indian Bar Council’s established rules for conducting business.

Section 11 addresses staffing requirements for the Bar Council. Each Bar Council must appoint a secretary. Additionally, they may hire an accountant and other necessary staff to ensure efficient office operations.

Section 16 differentiates between senior advocates and other advocates. The Supreme Court of India or the High Court can confer the title of “senior advocate” on individuals deemed to possess the requisite skill, expertise, or experience, subject to the court’s approval.

Section 17 mandates that the State Bar Council create and maintain a list of advocates in the state. The role is divided into two parts: senior advocates and other advocates, listed by seniority. According to Section 17(4), an individual cannot be enrolled as an advocate on the rolls of more than one State Bar Council.

Section 18 outlines the process for transferring an advocate’s name from one State Bar Council to another. To transfer, an application must be submitted to the Bar Council of India in New Delhi, using Form C Rule I Chapter III and Part V of the All India Bar Council’s Rules.

Requirements For Transferring An Advocate’s Name Between State Bar Councils

The application for transferring an advocate’s name between State Bar Councils requires specific documents:

  1. A certified copy of the applicant’s enrollment on the state register.
  2. A certificate from the current State Bar Council confirming: No disciplinary action is pending against the applicant, No objection exists to the transfer, The applicant’s enrollment has not been recalled and the applicant is allowed to practise as of the application date.
  3. A no-objection certificate (NOC) from the Bar Council where the advocate intends to transfer.
  4. Proof of payment of the prescribed transfer fee.

Ensure all documents are up-to-date and properly certified.

Enrollment Requirements For Supreme Court Advocates

Section 20 of the Act pertains to the issuance of a certificate of enrolment for advocates. This certificate follows a format authorised by the State Bar Council. The key points are:

  1. Advocates must apply for enrollment with the State Bar Council in the prescribed format.
  2. Once enrolled, advocates receive a certificate of enrolment from the State Bar Council.
  3. Advocates are required to notify the relevant State Bar Council of any changes to their permanent address within 90 days of the change.
  4. Failure to notify the State Bar Council of address changes may result in penalties or administrative issues.

This ensures advocates remain compliant with the regulations set by the State Bar Council.

Disqualification Of Enrolment

A lawyer can be disqualified from enrollment on several grounds. These include involvement in professional misconduct, failure to meet the eligibility criteria set by the Bar Council, or being convicted of an offence involving corruption. Additionally, if a lawyer has been previously disbarred or suspended by any Bar Council, this can also lead to disqualification.

If a lawyer is imprisoned, it can affect their enrollment status. A conviction and subsequent imprisonment for a criminal offence, especially one involved in immoral actions, can result in disqualification or suspension from practicing law. The severity of the crime and the length of the imprisonment play a significant role in determining the impact on the lawyer’s enrollment.

The Supreme Court has established guidelines to ensure the integrity and professionalism of the legal profession. These guidelines emphasise that lawyers must uphold ethical standards and conduct themselves in a manner befitting the profession. They outline the importance of honesty, integrity, and adherence to the law. Any behaviour that undermines these principles can lead to disciplinary action, including disqualification from enrollment. The Supreme Court also mandates that Bar Councils regularly review and enforce these standards to maintain the credibility and respectability of the legal profession.

Right Of Advocates

  1. Right to Practise (Section 30): Advocates have the right to practise in any court in India, including the Supreme Court, High Courts, and subordinate courts.
  2. Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression (Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution): Advocates can express their opinions freely while performing their professional duties.
  3. Right to Enter Any Court (Section 30): Advocates can enter any court or tribunal to represent their clients.
  4. Right to Meet Clients (Section 30): Advocates have the right to meet and consult with their clients, even in jail.
  5. Right to Take Fees (Section 30): Advocates are entitled to charge and receive fees for their professional services.
  6. Right to Practise Before Any Authority (Section 30): Advocates can practise before any authority, body, or person authorised to take evidence.
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Know more about rights and duties of advocates under the Advocates Act, 1961.

Requirements For Admission To The Bar 

Section 24 of the Advocates Act, 1961, outlines the criteria for being admitted to the Bar. To qualify for admission as an advocate on a State Roll, a person must:

  1. Be a citizen of India.
  2. Be at least 21 years old and deemed competent.
  3. Have obtained a law degree.
  4. Pass the Bar Council of India exam.

Individuals meeting these qualifications can enrol under any State Bar Council. The necessary qualifications include completing a 5-year integrated law course or a 3-year law course after obtaining a bachelor’s degree. If the law degree was earned from a foreign institution, it must be recognized by the Bar Council of India. Additionally, the advocate must pay the State Bar Council’s enrollment fee and meet any other specified requirements.

Legal Aid Committee

Section 9A of the Advocates Act establishes a constitutional legal aid committee. The Bar Council must form one or more legal aid committees, with each committee consisting of at least five and no more than nine members.

Under Section 10 of the Advocates Act, the State Bar Council and the Bar Council of India are authorised to form several committees:

  1. State Bar Council Committees
  2. Executive Committee: Composed of five council members elected by the council.
  3. Enrollment Committee: Consists of three members selected by the council from among its members.
  4. Bar Council of India Committees
  5. Executive Committee: Composed of nine members elected by the council from among its members.
  6. Legal Education Committee: Made up of ten members, with five chosen by the council from its members and five co-opted by the council.

The State Bar Council and the Bar Council of India may also appoint members to additional committees as needed. According to Section 13 of the Act, any decisions made by the Bar Council or any committee cannot be challenged due to vacancies or defects in the committee’s constitution.

Punishment Of Advocates For Misconduct

Section 35 of the Advocates Act outlines the penalties for misconduct by advocates. When a complaint is received or a State Bar Council suspects that an advocate listed on its register has engaged in professional or other misconduct, the matter must be referred to its disciplinary committee for resolution. The disciplinary committee is required to set a hearing date and notify both the State’s advocate general and the involved advocate.

The disciplinary committee shall provide the advocate and the advocate general an opportunity to be heard and may issue instructions from the following options:

  1. Dismiss the complaint or procedures initiated by the State Bar Council.
  2. Reprimand the advocate.
  3. Suspend the advocate from practice for a duration deemed appropriate by the committee.
  4. Remove the advocate’s name from the state list of attorneys.

An advocate whose licence to practice law has been suspended is prohibited from appearing before any Indian court, government agency, or person during the suspension period.

Section 45 of the Advocates Act specifies the consequences for engaging in the illegal practice in court or before other authorities. Any individual who practises in any court, before any authority, or before any person without being authorised under this Act shall be subject to imprisonment for six months.


The Advocates Act of 1961 is, hence, a crucial piece of legislation in India as it establishes the guidelines and rules that all enrolled advocates must follow. The Act also provides for penalties if advocates commit any offences or violate any laws, ensuring that advocates are held accountable and the legal system functions smoothly. It details the functions and powers of the State Bar Council and the Bar Council of India, while also outlining the responsibilities and rights of advocates, such as the right to practise law, offer services to clients, and meet clients in jail without restrictions. 


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  • […] 17 was declared ultra vires of the Constitution and void, being repugnant to Section 30 of the Advocates Act, 1961. This controversial issue is the central focus of the article. The judgement underscores that the […]

  • […] The Advocates Act of 1961 is a pivotal legislation in India that governs the legal profession and the conduct of advocates. Its primary purpose is to uphold the standards of legal practice, ensure the integrity of the legal system, and safeguard the interests of clients. The Act establishes the Bar Council of India as the central regulatory authority overseeing legal education, admission to the bar, professional ethics, and disciplinary matters concerning advocates. It outlines the qualifications and eligibility criteria for individuals seeking enrollment as advocates, including educational requirements and the need to pass a qualifying examination. The Act also delineates the rights, duties, and restrictions imposed on advocates, emphasizing their role as officers of the court and their obligation to uphold the principles of justice, fairness, and professional ethics. Additionally, it provides mechanisms for handling complaints of misconduct or violations of ethical standards, ensuring accountability and maintaining the integrity of legal practice in the country. […]

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