Section 244 CrPC: Evidence for Prosecution in India’s Criminal Procedure Code


Section 244 CrPC: Evidence for Prosecution in India’s Criminal Procedure Code

Section 244 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) deals with the evidence required to be produced by the prosecution in a criminal trial. It dictates the procedure for presenting evidence and the admissibility of certain evidence.


This section clarifies that the prosecution bears the burden of proof in a criminal trial. This means that they must present sufficient evidence to convince the court that the accused is guilty “beyond reasonable doubt.” This evidence can include:

  • Witness testimonies
  • Physical evidence like documents, weapons, or fingerprints
  • Expert opinions
  • Statements made by the accused
  • Circumstantial evidence

The prosecution must prove every element of the crime charged, leaving no reasonable doubt in the judge’s mind. The accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty.


Consider a case where a person is accused of theft. The prosecution must present evidence to prove that:

  • The accused took property belonging to another person.
  • The accused took the property without the owner’s consent.
  • The accused took the property with the intention to permanently deprive the owner of it.

The prosecution may present evidence like eyewitness testimonies, CCTV footage, or fingerprints found at the crime scene to prove these elements.

Common Questions and Answers:

Q: What happens if the prosecution fails to present sufficient evidence?

A: The court will likely acquit the accused as the prosecution has not met its burden of proof.

Q: Can the accused present their own evidence?

A: Yes, the accused has the right to present evidence in their defense, which can include alibis, witnesses, or other evidence to challenge the prosecution’s case.

Also Read  Section 239 CrPC: Discharge of Accused - Code of Criminal Procedure

Q: Does Section 244 dictate the specific type of evidence that must be presented?

A: No, Section 244 outlines the general principle that the prosecution must present evidence, but it does not specify the exact type of evidence needed. The specific evidence required will vary depending on the crime and the circumstances of the case.


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